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Roundup Pro Concentrate Herbicide - 2.5 Gallons

Roundup Pro Concentrate Herbicide

Product Details: Roundup Pro Concentrate is a post-emergent, systemic herbicide with no residual soil activity. It gives broad-spectrum control of many annual weeds, perennial weeds, woody brush and trees. It is formulated as a water-soluble liquid and may be applied through standard equipment after dilution and mixing with water or other carriers according to label instructions.

Key Features:

  • Application and use flexibility for weed and brush control by land or water.
  • Offers the flexibility to choose the right surfactant, tank mix or custom herbicide blend for the job at hand.
  • Non-selective and highly effective on more than 190 species of emerged weeds, brush and vines.
  • Excellent fit for all aquatic, forestry, right-of-way, industrial, turf, ornamental and habitat-restoration use sites, especially where weeds and water meet eco-friendly packaging.

Active Ingredient(s): 50.2% Glyphosate

Rate of use:For broadcast ground applications: Use this product at the rate of 0.8 to 1.6 quarts per acre for annual weeds, 1.6 to 4 quarts per acre for perennial weeds and 4 to 8 quarts per acre for woody brush and trees. For all other application techniques, please see product label below.We recommend adding 1 pint of non-ionic surfactant per 100 gallons. to 8 quarts per acre for woody brush and trees. For all other application techniques, please see product label below.

**Surfactant is recommended during Summer months to keep product from evaporating off weeds before it is absorbed**
Product Label
